Thursday, 26 February 2015

Evaluation 6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of your product?

I feel through constructing my music magazine I have learnt more about using the camera. Through taking my photos for my magazine I have learnt now to focus the camera and how to manipulate the light so the photos don't look overexposed but bright. obviously in the past I have had experience using a camera before but there was much more to think about this time. I  also learnt how to use the flash on the camera and learnt what photos would need to be landscape and what would need to be portrait.  Because the camera was such good quality I didn't feel the need to edit the photos that much.

I got to experiment a lot with Photoshop. When I first began to use I hardly knew how to use it at all but it was really easy to pick up. I found it fun to edit the double page spread layout as I didn't want to use 'Indesign'. I really enjoyed using photoshop because it was challenge but was easy to use once I knew how. I tried to use 'Indesign' but did not get along with it as I found it difficult to use and could use photoshop which was easier and gave me the same result.

I also learnt now to use online programs like 'Blogger'. I didn't have  any experience using this program but it was like using Microsoft work, so it was easy. I really liked using 'Blogger' and will probably use it in the future. I found 'Blogger' good to show the process of my music magazine and how it came together.

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